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What is Breathing?

Q. What is breathing? Ans. Breathing is an external process, in this process inhale of air and exhale of air. Or  Breathing (or ventilation) is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly by bringing in oxygen and flushing out carbon dioxide.   Breathing is also known as external respiration. It is part of respiration but not internal or cellular respiration. The process of breathing does not fill the alveoli with atmospheric air during each inhalation (about 350 ml per breath), but the inhaled air is carefully diluted and thoroughly mixed with a large volume of gas (about 2.5 liters in adult humans) known as the functional residual capacity which remains in the lungs after each exhalation, and whose gaseous composition differs markedly from that of the ambient air . Physiological respiration involves the mechanisms that ensure that the composition ...

Asexual Reproduction by Fregment in Planaria, Hydra and Starfish

Fragmentation (Fragment=small pieces)

o   Fragmentation in multi cellular organisms is a form of asexual reproduction in which an organism is split into fragments and develop into matured, fully grown individuals that are identical to their parents.
o   In this type of reproduction parent cell divides into fragments and each fragment becomes a new individual.
o   Fragmentation, also known as splitting, as a method of reproduction is seen in many organisms such as filamentous Cyanobacteria, molds, lichens, many plants, and animals such as sponges, acoel flatworms, some annelids worms and sea stars.


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